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You might find the following links useful for your professional activity:

Justia (U.S. Law) law.justia.com

American Bar Association www.americanbar.org

Laws of New York public.leginfo.state.ny.us/menugetf.cgi?COMMONQUERY=LAWS

NYS Grievence Commitee (Compaints about attorneys) www.nycourts.gov/ip/attorneygrievance/complaints.shtml

New York State Bill Search assembly.state.ny.us/leg

Office of Medical Conduct (NYS Department of Health) www.health.ny.gov/professionals/doctors/conduct/

Office of the Attorney General (New York State) www.ag.ny.gov 

New York State Unified Court System (eCourts) apps.courts.state.ny.us/webcivil/ecourtsMain

New York Alliance against Insurance Fraud www.preventfraud.org

National Insurance Crime Bureau https://www.nicb.org//

American Arbitration Association www.adr.org

Supreme Court www.uscourts.gov/Home.aspx

Westlaw (Leagal Information) www.westlaw.com

Better Business Bureau www.bbb.org

US Equal Employment Opportunity Comission www.eeoc.gov

NYS Division of Human Rights www.dhr.ny.gov